The 13S E1A mRNA encoded by rv13S (ATCC CRL-1809) is 46 amino acids longer than the 12S E1A mRNA encoded by rv12S (ATCC CRL-1808). This construct has been used to immortalize primary cells of rat brain. The line was produced by inserting the E1A 13S cDNA sequence into the retrovirus vector DOL. The resulting vector DNA (rv13S) was transfected into Psi2 cells by calcium phosphate precipitation. The retroviruses produced during the first 24 hours post-transfection were harvested and used to infect fresh Psi2 cells to generate the Psi2 13S1 line. The retrovirus produced by this line can be used to to immortalize primary cells of rat brain. Unlike Psi2 12S6 (ATCC CRL 1808), only slight induction of growth is induced in liver cultures, and no proliferative response was seen with kidney, heart, pancreas adrenal, and thyroid cultures. Tested and found negative for ectromelia virus (mousepox). The insert contains sequences from adenovirus type 2-adenovirus type 5 hybrid cDNAs. |