Insert contains the following sites separated by (bp): (V/I)- 65- XmnI- 393- HindIII- 475- HhaI- 180- BamHI- 125- BglII- 453- AvaI- 234- HindIII- 608- BamHI- 140- EcoRI- 417- BstEII- 236- PvuII- 139- XmnI- 248- (I/V). V=vector, I=insert. Restriction digests of the clone give the following sizes (kb): XhoI--3.7, 3.2; EcoRI--6.9; HindIII--4.4, 1.5, 1.0; BamHI--3.2, 1.4, 1.1 doublet; PstI--2.8, 1.7, 1.2 doublet. Insert contains 3309 bp of pro-C5 coding sequence (alpha-chain, beta-alpha-chain junction, 100 amino acids of carboxy end of beta-chain) and 404 bp of 3'-nontranslated sequence (with stop codon and poly(A) signal). There is 79% homology at the protein level and 80% at the nucleotide level between the human and murine C5. |