Biosafety classification is based on U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that their facilities comply with biosafety regulations for their own country.
Product Format
Type Strain
Colonies on CYA 15-30mm diameter, plane or radially sulcate, dense, usually velutinous; mycelium bright yellow or red due to encrusted hyphae; conidiogenesis moderate to heavy, Dark green; exudates orange to red; soluble pigment vivd red; reverse dark red or purple, approaching black. Conidiophores borne from surface or aerial mycelium, stipes 70-300 nm long, smooth walled, bearing terminal biverticillate penicillin; penicillin narrow, metulae and phialides appressed, each 10-14nm long; conidia ellipsoidal, sometimes becoming subspheroidal at maturity.